Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Am I Such a Bad Christian, Thinking God Doesn't Care?

When we are all kids growing up in Sunday School they teach us that God is involved in every aspect of our lives. He knows the very number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7) and the number of grains of sand on a beach, so surely He must care about my Prom Date, or the color of pants I'm going to wear, etc., etc. I don't know what it is but, this is one of those things that bugs me, and I've been chewing on lately. I think that God sweats the big stuff (life, death, whether I'm going to Hell or not), but I believe He probably leave the day to day minutia and errata to me. To me, there is a difference between knowing and caring. I can know that the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Do I care that there is a malfunctioning Chinese robot drone up there? Not especially. It doesn't affect me directly. Likewise, I think that my struggles and issues don't especially affect God directly. We are told to pray about it... But who is getting moved? Am I just coming to terms with the cruddy things in my life? Or, are things actually changing? I find that some of the most difficult things in my life I have prayed over for years haven't moved one iota. In fact, several of them have moved backwards. So, I'm betting many of you are going to be like Job's friends and accuse me of doing something bad or not having enough faith. I'd challenge you to read that story again there Eliphaz. This evidence, when presented to my logical brain, tells me that God has a check in the Jeff box. He's not to worried about me, and if I want things this way or that, I need to be the force of action to make those things happen. It doesn't make me any less grateful for what He has done. It simply tells me He doesn't sweat the small stuff.

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